Thaiger Pharma 10 ml 1000 mg Trenbolone Acetat(Finexal)

Thaiger Pharma 10 ml 1000 mg Trenbolone Acetat(Finexal)
Product no.: AD45
Price excl. tax: $90.00
Price (incl. tax): $90.00
Trenbolone acetate is a potent androgen that produces very strong anabolic activity. It is used to buildup muscle mass and make them stronger in a short amount of time. The anabolic effect trenbolone acetate produces is very comparable to that of other bulking agents including testosterone and Dianabol. The difference is that trenbolone acetate won’t convert into estrogen. This is a great benefit because it eliminates all the usual estrogen side effects.

Weekly Dosage:200-500 mg