

The sale of the products taking place in our website is made via credit card or payment athe door.
Once you've suscribed to our website, you may buy as many products as you wish and complete your order.
Payment details and costs will be sent automatically to your e-mail address.
If  you e-mail us the required information after that you've made the payment,
your shipping transactions will be realized and your shipping tracking number will be sent you via e-mail.


We are using Western Union and Money Gram as payment methods.


please do not forget the information sent to your e-mail while you are realizing the payment.
Once you've made the payment according to the name, country and city notified to you, you should send us the mtcn number in the bill you
will receive accompagnied by your name, surname and order number so that  your orders will be prepared.


Details of Payment by Western Union and Money Gram


Information on the Person to whom the payment will be made

Name:*****(This information is mailed to you after ordering.)

Surname:*****(This information is mailed to you after ordering.)

Country:*****(This information is mailed to you after ordering.)

City:*****(This information is mailed to you after ordering.)


Please e-mail us these information after you've realized the payment
(our e-mail  )


Name-Surname of the Sender:

City of the Sender:

Country of the Sender:

Amount of the Order:

MTCN Number:



*How to realize money transfer via Western Union or Money Gram?


-First of all, you should find a bank which supports the money transfer via Western Union or Money Gram in the province, city or town you live in
(Nowadays, 90% of banks support this money transfer system, you may ask them.)
You may go to the bank and tell the name, surname, country andf city of the person to which you wish to realize this money transfer 
then you may transfer the amount you wish with these information.The bank will give you a receipt proving that you've realized this transfer 
and the mtcn number is inscribed on this receipt.
In case you give this mtcn number to the person who will receive the money, he/she might go to a bank in his/her country and withdraw the money easily.