1 Are your products fake?
We do not sell any fake products. All the pharmacy products are directly bought from pharmacy and shipped (Steroid lab products are bought from producer). We have money-back guarantee if our products fail any lab test done by a pharmaceutical laboratory. You can order sample products for lab tests. Buyers of both pharmacy products and Steroid Labs can email producer and ask about genuinity.
2 How can I make order?
You can simply become a member and use “Buy buton to buy our products”. We respond to all mails in less than 24 hours. Be careful to give an accurate and full adress. If you want to change your password, send us password you want and we will change it for you.
3 How long does shipping take?
It depends on various factors. It is usually between 6-8 days inside EU, 8-14 days outside EU. After the money is sent, we send the package in less than 48 hours.
4 Do I need prescription to buy steroids?
No, we distribute without any necessity of prescription.
5 How can I make payment?
As it is faster and safer, we use Western Union, Moneygram, Skrill and Bank Transfer for sending money.
Please do not forget to check out before ordering.
6 Which country do you ship from?
It depends on where we get the order from.
EU shippings are sent from EU, other shippings are sent from different stocks around the world. We mostly choose countries where there are less legal problems about steroids.
7 What is the cost of shipping?
Shipping is free for orders that exceed 300€. For orders below that, cost of shipping is 15 € world-wide.
8-What can i do if my package gets stopped at customs?
If it gets stopped at customs, we are notified by shipping company and we will re-ship or return the money.
We don’t have re-shipping to following countries: Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Slovakia
9-Do you have a minimum order?
For new clients, we do not have a minimum order (so they can get samples) but for regular clients, its 150€.
10-I didn’t get response from your web-site what should I do?
If you didn’t get response from us, you should check the spam folder as our mails may be in spam folder due to high amount of mails we write to respond the clients. If you couldn’t find it there either, mail us again. We have a policy to respond all mails.
11- I had a shipment with broken pieces, what do I do now?
If you have that kind of problem (however its quiet unlikely), send us a picture of broken bottles and we will reship your loss.